
  • The project can be carried out by a group of at most 2 students.

  • You can choose any topics as long as they are related to graphs.

  • Each group is required to submit a project proposal and a final report. You are enouraged to use Latex to compose these reports. Overleaf provides a easy-to-use enviroment for composing documents in Latex. If you use Latex, you are encouraged to use the NeurIPs template for your report. You can find it at this page

  • Each group is required to give a Proposal Presentation (15 minutes) and a Final Presentation (30 minutes).

Project Proposal (Due on 10/03/2023)

  • Project title

  • Team members

  • Description of the problem that you plan to work on

  • Description of the data you plan to use

  • Your plan towards the completion of the project (you can include a list of milestones)

  • A list of relevant papers

Final Report (Due on 12/11/2023)

  • Introduction, including a summary of the project, related work/methods, and the results of this project.

  • Problem description, including a detailed description of the problem you address in this project.

  • Methodology, including a detailed description on the methods you developed or used.

  • Experiments, including, experiment setting, results, and your observations.

  • Conclusion and future work, including a summary of the main contributions of this project and potential future directions.

Potential Topics for Projects

If you're not sure what to do, you can select one from the topics in this document to explore.