
  • The project can be carried out by a group of at most 3 students.

  • You can choose any topics as long as they are related to deep learning.

  • Each group is required to submit a project proposal and a final report. You are enouraged to use Latex to compose these reports. Overleaf provides a easy-to-use enviroment for composing documents in Latex. If you use Latex, you are encouraged to use the NeurIPs template for your report. You can find it at this page

  • Each group is required to give a Proposal Presentation (15 minutes) and a Final Presentation (15 minutes).

Project Proposal (Due on 02/10/2024)

  • Project title

  • Team members

  • Description of the problem that you plan to work on

  • Description of the data you plan to use

  • Your plan towards the completion of the project (you can include a list of milestones)

  • A list of relevant papers

Final Report (Due on 04/30/2024)

  • Introduction, including a summary of the project, related work/methods, and the results of this project.

  • Problem description, including a detailed description of the problem you address in this project.

  • Methodology, including a detailed description on the methods you developed or used.

  • Experiments, including, experiment setting, results, and your observations.

  • Conclusion and future work, including a summary of the main contributions of this project and potential future directions.

Potential Topics for Projects