CS675 Introduction to Machine Learning (Spring 2022)General InformationCourse Number: CS675-006 InstructorYao Ma GraderPrajwal Mani Course OverviewThis course is an introduction to machine learning and contains both theory and applications. Students will get exposure to a broad range of machine learning methods and hands-on practice on real data. Topics include Bayesian classification, perceptron, neural networks, logistic regression, support vector machines, decision trees, random forests, boosting, dimensionality reduction, unsupervised learning, regression, and learning new feature spaces. PrerequisitesBasic probability, linear algebra, computer programming, and graduate or undergraduate senior standing, or approval of the instructor. Learning Outcomes
TextbooksThere will be no required textbooks for the class. Some of the class material, however, will be based on content from the following books (none of which you are required to purchase):
AssignmentsThere will be 4-6 coding assigments throughout the semester. Each assignment consists of several small tasks where selected code needs to be completed. Each assignment has its own detailed instructions. In addition, own research on the details of the implementation needs to be conducted. Each assignment needs to be completed in 7-14 days and submitted via Canvas. Project
Grading Policies
Grading Scale
Grade CorrectionsCheck the grades in course work and report errors promptly. Please try and resolve any issue within one week of the grade notification. Course PoliciesAbsenceIf you miss a class, it is up to you to make up for the lost time. Missing two exams leads to an automatic F in the course. If you miss one exam, you must contact the Dean of Students (DOS) within 2 working days from the day the reason for the absence is lifted with all necessary documentation. If DOS approves, your missing exam grade will be set equal to the average of the nonmissing exam grades. Collaboration and External Resources for AssignmentsSome homework problems will be challenging. You are advised to first try and solve all the problems on your own. You are also allowed to collaborate with your classmates and search for solutions online. But you should use such solutions only if you understand them completely (admitting that you do not understand something is way better than copying things you do not understand). Also, make sure to give the appropriate credit and citation. Late Policy
Important Dates
Academic IntegrityAcademic Integrity is the cornerstone of higher education and is central to the ideals of this course and the university. Cheating is strictly prohibited and devalues the degree that you are working on. As a member of the NJIT community, it is your responsibility to protect your educational investment by knowing and following the academic code of integrity policy that is found at: http:www5.njit.edupoliciessitespoliciesfiles/academic-integrity-code.pdf. Please note that it is my professional obligation and responsibility to report any academic misconduct to the Dean of Students Office. Any student found in violation of the code by cheating, plagiarizing or using any online software inappropriately will result in disciplinary action. This may include a failing grade of F, and/or suspension or dismissal from the university. If you have any questions about the code of Academic Integrity, please contact the Dean of Students Office at dos@njit.edu AcknowledgementA large potion of the course materials are adapted from Dr. Przmyslaw Musialski's machine learning course. Some of the materials are adopted from machine learning courses developed by Dr. Jiayu Zhou and Dr. Yiannis Koutis. |